1. Caoduro C, Delabrousse E, Porot C, Richou C, Vuitton DA, Bresson-Hadni S, Boulahdour H, Blagosklonov O. Caractérisation combinée par TEP au 18F-FDG et par IRM des lésions hépatiques dans (...)
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1. Caoduro C, Delabrousse E, Porot C, Richou C, Vuitton DA, Bresson-Hadni S, Boulahdour H, Blagosklonov O. Caractérisation combinée par TEP au 18F-FDG et par IRM des lésions hépatiques dans (...)
1. Said Ali Z, Grenouillet F, Knapp J, Bresson-Hadni S, Vuitton DA, Raoul F, Richou C, Millon, L, Giraudoux P and the FrancEchino network. Detecting nested clusters of human alveolar (...)
1. Charbonnier A, Knapp J, Demonmerot F, Bresson-Hadni S, Raoul F, Grenouillet F, Millon L, Vuitton DA, Damy S. A new data management system for the French National Registry of human alveolar (...)
1. Bourgeois B, Marguet P, Gbaguidi-Haore H, Knapp J, Said-Ali Z, Demonmerot F, Bresson-Hadni S, Millon L, Bellanger AP. Alveolar echinococcosis : how knowledgeable are primary care physicians (...)
1. Knapp J, Combes B, Umhang G, Aknouche S, Millon L. Could the domestic cat play a significant role in the transmission of Echinococcus multilocularis ? A study based on qPCR analysis of cat (...)
1. Valot B., Rognon B., Prenel A., Baraquin A., Knapp J., Anelli M., Richou C., Bresson-Hadni S., Grenouillet F., Wang J., Vuitton DA., Gottstein B., Millon L. Screening of antigenic vesicular (...)
1. Basmaciyan L., Burlet B., Ramla S., Blot M., Mahy S., Aubriot-Lorton MH., Valot S., Grelat M., Sautour M., Grenouillet F., Knapp J., Millon L., Piroth L., Martin L., Dalle F. First Case of (...)
1. Giraudoux P., Zhao Y., Afonso E., Yan H., Knapp J., Rogan MT., Shi D., Jia W., Craig PS. Long-term retrospective assessment of a transmission hotspot for human alveolar echinococcosis in (...)
1. Da Silva AM., Courquet S., Raoul F., Rieffel D., Giraudoux P., Millon L., Knapp J. Assessment of the exposure to Echinococcus multilocularis associated with carnivore faeces using real-time (...)
1. Da Silva A.M., Bastien M., Umhang G., Boué F., Bastid V., Boucher J.M., Caillot C., de Garam C.P., Renault C., Faisse M., Courquet S., Scalabrino V., Millon L., Knapp J., Poulle M.L. Soil (...)
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